blingee com login
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Use our free online photo editor to design animated art from celebrities to anime, fantasy, emo, and goth. Fans of any topic have fun entering competitions, finding new friends, winning badges, creating ecards and scrapbooks, posting to walls and profiles and more.
I’ve just found this page I think that is very good as a substitute for blingee. The site is not dead. My friend had the same problem, and when I tried creating his account on my more recent laptop, the site didn’t work, but I could immediately log into my account from my Windows XP laptop.
Blingee is a creative community for animated pictures and graphics. Use our free online photo editor to design animated art from celebrities to anime, fantasy, emo, and goth.
archiveteam_blingee. Blingee is an image hosting and editing website. The site offers web-based tools for adding special effects to images, such as animation and sparkles. On August 14, 2015, Blingee announced they were closing on August 25, 2015. [1]
Blingee is a creative community for animated pictures and graphics. Use our free online photo editor to design animated art from celebrities to anime, fantasy, emo, and goth. Fans of any topic have fun entering competitions, finding new friends, winning badges, creating ecards and scrapbooks, posting to walls and profiles and more.
Blingee was founded as part of a website network Bauer Teen Network, and marketed towards young people who wished to add personalized imagery to their Myspace pages. The site, however, was different from other web-based GIF editors, allowing users to make their own profiles and other social network -like functionality.
About Us. Blingee is a creative community for animated pictures and graphics. Use our free online photo editor to design animated art from celebrities
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