www smartmusic login
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Login – SmartMusic
Login – SmartMusic. Login with School Passport What’s this? Read more about our terms and conditions and privacy policy .
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Login – SmartMusic
Login with School Passport What’s this?. Username or Email Password Forgot Password?. Login Create an Account
SmartMusic | Music Learning Software for Educators & Students
“SmartMusic provides so many great digital resources for my students to learn and practice. Now being able to print in the classroom thanks to each student’s print subscription, my students will have even more access to the material they typically use through the web-based platform.
Training Sign-In – SmartMusic
Training Sign-In. First name*. Last name*. I am a (n)…*. Music Educator Student Private Teacher Admin/IT. I teach at this level…*. Elementary Middle School High School College/University Private Studio. School*. District*.
Log in to classic SmartMusic
If you have a classic SmartMusic account, type your email address or username and password, and tap Log In. If you forgot your password, you can reset it from the MakeMusic website or the desktop version of classic SmartMusic. If you need to enroll in your class, use the class enrollment link provided by your teacher.
smartmusic resources – SmartMusic
smartmusic resources educator resources Discover our wide array of free teaching resources—from lesson plans, blogs, and podcasts, to our Educator Toolkit and SmartMusic Academy courses, which will get you up and running in SmartMusic in minutes.
student resources – SmartMusic
Make the most of your SmartMusic experience with the following series and resources. In these series, play along wit
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